The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Friday, April 27, 2012

When the Zombies Attack....

...will you be prepared?

Working in a gun shop has many advantages. Not only do you get some serious employee discounts, but you get to play with all kinds of guns. I continue to learn new things every day and that includes interacting with a wide spectrum of the human race. Not that there's any shortage of that in my business, but when people don't know who you really are and you're not wearing some intimidating uniform, they tend to open up a bit. There are people who come in there in awe of a real gun shop and indoor range, most especially when they hail from those northern blue states and other parts of the world.

Gun purchases in my state have more than doubled since this time last year and better than half the gun purchasers are women. People are signing up in droves for the CWP classes and applications for concealed weapon permits have far surpassed last year's numbers. The state government body who processes CWP applications sent an email memo to all instructors to please assist in expediting the permitting process by double checking all paperwork for potential errors. It was time consuming to send them back for corrections and they were over-burdened as it was.

Why are so many people buying guns, you ask?
It's simple....they are in fear.  People fear different things. Some seem to have a fear of impending doom based on the present political climate, and maybe they're justified in that one. Some fear that the present Zimmerman-Martin case will effect the 'stand your ground' law and that there will be anarchy and chaos in the streets.  Women are becoming empowered, refusing to be victims. The incidents of violent crimes are soaring, especially in the larger urban areas.


there are those that fear the Zombie Apocalypse. When the Zombies attack, will you be ready?

Like the price of gasoline, the price of ammo continues to rise. Before that Obamination starts stripping the law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights, it's time to stock up.
Who knows, maybe the Obaminator is conspiring with the Zombies to make us all brainless drones that follow his socialist dictatorship without question.


Anonymous said...

Ammo is the key.Most people I know have a few guns and only a few token boxes of ammo.
You need thousands,tens of thousands of ammo.

Anonymous said...

Remember, a zombie can only be effectively neutralized with a shot to the head.

Anonymous said...

A gun shop commando came in laughing about the latest 9mm from manufacturer x. The off duty cop behind the counter said really how about I shoot you in the neck a few times with a 9mm it won't hurt ya will it tough guy. The gunshop commando in his real tree® gear walked out and we all laughed our asses off. Sorry the browser is on paranoid mode and won't let me select a nickname.

Anonymous said...

Z-Max (Zombie Max) is re-branded V-Max rounds with a different polymer color for the tip.

Same ammo:

Good rounds however, no matter which color you like.

One hell of a nice video: