The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Leader of the Free World

Leadership.  It's a fickle thing. The standard definition is (n) which means to lead or direct or guide a group. For instance, our illustrious leader, The O'blamer. He was elected to lead the most powerful nation in the world and swore to defend the Constitution and to protect our nation from its enemies, both foreign and domestic. One could argue many times over whether he has carried out that oath. The Commander in Chief couldn't lead a squad of ducks.

A number of situations have occurred in our sovereign nation that are clearly terrorist attacks. Our leader has chosen to remain passive and to lie many times over about the situation in the Middle East, as well as immigration, Obamacare, IRS....and the list just goes on and on. He cannot even call out the obvious; those who are doing their best to terrorize our way of life ARE muslim extremists. 

Our leader has aligned himself with our enemies and chosen to piss off our allies. He has decimated our military and we were once the most powerful nation in the world. Nations feared us and looked to us for help and guidance. Now, we're the laughing stock of the world and completely vulnerable to our enemies. Obama remains indifferent and makes back room deals with untrusted leaders of countries who have no ethics when it comes to human rights. 

Obama has clearly divided our country by inciting rioting, looting, racism, and rebellions ad nauseam. I'm sure he's sitting back in the Oval office with his feet on the desk, having a smoke and basking in all his destruction and misery. He cares nothing for this country or our allies. Instead, he is fascinated with basketball, golf, fund raisers and movie stars. 

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is a leader. 

He has led his country through some difficult times. He is a veteran, a diplomat and an man of strong character. As the commander in chief, he has used tremendous restraint in guiding his country through seemingly endless violence perpetrated against his home land.

Prime Minister Francois Hollande of France is also a leader.

His country has become the victim of more than one terrorist attack and he has chosen not to ignore or blindly accept these violent acts. No, he has chosen to do what our wimpy ass President has never done. He called it an act of war and swiftly retaliated.  

These two leaders epitomize grace under pressure, decisiveness, diplomacy and have garnered the loyalty of their people. Our President wipes his hands and walks away without so much as a second glance.

Here we a crossroads. Our leader sends our country's sympathies and less than one day before, lied to the American public by saying ISIS is contained. Really? Since just about the entire European Union and the US has opened its borders and allowed refugees to enter without any kind of vetting process, we are clearly in deep shit. Will we have another 9/11? There's no telling, but odds are the bombings we've experienced are only a prelude of things to come. 

An article in the New York Post headlined, "lead or resign." I may be wrong here, but this appears to be one of those rare occasions where the media has finally seen the light and called out our dear leader for not being one. 

Say what you will, but it is clearly not Bush's fault.