The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Perverted Pursuit

Every once in awhile you come across a story that makes you not only say "what the fuck?" but it also prompts a "how the fuck?"

This perverted politician was racing around town on a regular basis looking for some action.
Even at speeds of 90 mph, he couldn't get any. You really have to give the perv some credit for livin' life in the fast line. I just can't picture driving 90 mph with your wienie waggin' in the wind.

  William Blakely

1 comment:

Mad Jack said...

Practically unbelievable, but I guess there's some truth to it. Here in Toledo, Ohio we had the pastor of a local Church playing nature boy on the berm of a divided highway during the morning rush hour. His name was Pitts and he had several charges of indecent exposure thrown out by the judge - go figure, right?