The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pay Attention

As is common knowledge, I work part time in a local gun store. When you're in a low profile situation such as retail sales, customers mostly look through you. They see you only when they want something and then they promptly forget you. I find it refreshing. So, I wear a t-shirt with the company logo and my name on it.  But I get to wear jeans or shorts so there's a plus. Yes, we wear handguns in an open and fully exposed manner. All the employees of the gun shop must also qualify with their carry guns. Some employees are exempt from training if they're an instructor or receive their training from other accredited sources.

I find myself getting to know some of the local constabulary in the surrounding jurisdictions. Some know me from back in the day and there are many of the newcomers who stop in for law enforcement equipment. Sometimes, they're in town temporarily for one reason or another, and need to stop by for a set of cuffs, a holster, some ammo...anything they might need in a hurry.

Being close to Federal training centers, airports and Air Force Bases, it's not uncommon for federal agents to stop by to browse or buy something.
Recently, I experienced something that just threw me....

As I mentioned, we wear uniform shirts with our names and sometimes our credentials printed on them. For example; "Gunsmith", "Armorer", "Firearms or rifle instructor", etc.
One recent day, I was assisting a customer with a holster and, as I often do, I explain that having the firearm at hand is the best way to determine if the holster is a good fit. This black male customer said he had a Sig Sauer.
I asked if he had it with him. He said he was wearing it and it was 'hot.' I mentioned that I sincerely hoped he was a law enforcement officer or a concealed weapons permit holder. He said law enforcement officer and promptly showed his credentials. US Customs. I stifled a laugh.
His cell phone rings and before he answers it, he hands me his loaded duty weapon. Oh yes, at least he handed it to me butt first.
Stunned, but not totally surprised, I proceed to drop the mag and clear the one from the chamber. I let the chambered round fall on the floor. While he's chatting away on his cell, I was quite certain he picked up on the fact that one round was on the floor. He cuts his phone call short and he tries the holster. Meanwhile, I've casually covered the live round with my foot. He takes the holster and we head to the register. I hand him his loaded mag and his Sig with the slide back.  He suddenly stops and asks if I loaded his magazine with the one round. I open my hand as I reply, "you mean this one?"

Nothing like being aware of your surroundings and multi tasking. Think this guy can drive and talk on the radio at the same time? He does not know who I am or what I do. My shirt has my first name and indicates I'm a firearms instructor. We now have a new level of stupidity.  He just arbitrarily handed over his loaded duty weapon to some employee at a gun store. Brilliant.

I have to say that I'm all for equal opportunity but it's often misconstrued. "Equal" means everyone does the same thing equally. Don't ask for special favors. If you can't do the job like everyone else, you shouldn't be there. I'll give credit where credit is due.

So if you're a law enforcement officer who just can't get a grasp on basic firearms safety, you shouldn't be in law enforcement....and you shouldn't have any kind of gun!

On another note: I have often fielded questions such as; "Do you sell guns and ammo?" "Do you have rifle ammo in stock?" "Do you sell accessories for your guns?" "If I use the gun range, do I have to bring my own ammo?"


Anonymous said...

Not commenting on the general idiocy about the lack of proper firearm awareness for now.

You work in a gun store? Now you are even more cool in my eyes. You write a nice blog AND you work to ensure the public cab guy firearms (2nd Amendment)lawful? Nice!

Part of that last involvement is to help pay the rent however. So I suspect. We all live in the same economy nationwide and the lights and gas have to be paid month in and month out.

Speaking of Mr 'Dude, where's my bullet?' and the missing round of live ammunition:

It is good advice to randomly toss live rounds around the area what one is in. Drop them on the floor in a haphazard manner and also try to seed one's flower box or garden with them. Leaving them on the dashboard is another great play!

This is a valuable skill! It is taught right along side the ability to see if the head of a hammer can work to strike in nails correctly. We all know the only way to check that performance is strike one's own testicles with the hammer head many times. It works even better if you have dropped live ammo on the floor before hand!

I am sure this man was just following his training and using his god given common sense. Some people...

Shit, it is not like immigration and customs has much to do now. Obama says over 750k illegals can't go bye bye now.

If the holster buyer was in Customs, ever want to ask the customer: "Do you have anything to declare?" as he was wrapping up?

He would have wisely declared his right to the 5th or said something very funny and stupid. Win/Win any outcome there.

Now if you'll pardon me, I want to stack up live rounds as if they were dominoes and get out the ol hammer. Your customer inspired me. It seems like the customary (pun implied) thing to do...

Mad Jack said...

Here, better let me hold that for you... now, you want me to do - what again?

I didn't know you worked in a gun store. Nice!

This is a good story, and it illustrates something that most of us just don't think of. I just wouldn't have handed it over. I don't know why he did, but if he isn't thinking when he was talking to you, that means he isn't thinking at all times when he handles his loaded duty weapon. That's not good.

You ought to offer training classes. I'll bet you'd make a good instructor.

Older School said...

Mad Jack -

I am a Concealed Weapons instructor and it said so on my shirt.
If he can't remember basic firearms safety, then he probably can't read either. I was so tempted to give him a lecture, but we were busy and I think I made my point with the loose round. I shared this story with every employee in the store and many other LEO's.

@ Anonymous -

"Mr 'Dude, where's my bullet?"
LOL, dude!

He didn't have much to declare at all.