The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Friday, April 27, 2012

When the Zombies Attack....

...will you be prepared?

Working in a gun shop has many advantages. Not only do you get some serious employee discounts, but you get to play with all kinds of guns. I continue to learn new things every day and that includes interacting with a wide spectrum of the human race. Not that there's any shortage of that in my business, but when people don't know who you really are and you're not wearing some intimidating uniform, they tend to open up a bit. There are people who come in there in awe of a real gun shop and indoor range, most especially when they hail from those northern blue states and other parts of the world.

Gun purchases in my state have more than doubled since this time last year and better than half the gun purchasers are women. People are signing up in droves for the CWP classes and applications for concealed weapon permits have far surpassed last year's numbers. The state government body who processes CWP applications sent an email memo to all instructors to please assist in expediting the permitting process by double checking all paperwork for potential errors. It was time consuming to send them back for corrections and they were over-burdened as it was.

Why are so many people buying guns, you ask?
It's simple....they are in fear.  People fear different things. Some seem to have a fear of impending doom based on the present political climate, and maybe they're justified in that one. Some fear that the present Zimmerman-Martin case will effect the 'stand your ground' law and that there will be anarchy and chaos in the streets.  Women are becoming empowered, refusing to be victims. The incidents of violent crimes are soaring, especially in the larger urban areas.


there are those that fear the Zombie Apocalypse. When the Zombies attack, will you be ready?

Like the price of gasoline, the price of ammo continues to rise. Before that Obamination starts stripping the law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights, it's time to stock up.
Who knows, maybe the Obaminator is conspiring with the Zombies to make us all brainless drones that follow his socialist dictatorship without question.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Are you a member of AA?

That's Assholes Anonymous.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Standing Your Ground

The recent controversy surrounding the Zimmerman/Martin shooting case has put many Democrats and liberal morons jumping on to an out-of-control bandwagon. Democratic legislators from several Castle Doctrine states are already springing in to action in a sorry ass attempt to keep and maintain their votes come re-election time. Their knee jerk reactions over the Stand Your Ground law should not be surprising, but many wonder where the common sense road has gone to.

It's obvious....the Common Sense Road has been paved over by the Blvd. of Political Correctness.

Have we become a nation of 'let's feel good about ourselves' whites who voted for a black president because it was the right thing to do? Never mind that he was just another corrupt Chicago politician, that he was totally unqualified, and his American birthright was and still is, questionable. Blacks who don't ordinarily vote  for whatever reason there may be, came out in droves to put this pathetic loser in office. Never mind if he was qualified or not. The vast majority of blacks voted him in to office based solely on the color of his skin.
To this day, I swear that there was an over abundance of voter fraud perpetrated on the fateful day in November 2008. We can only hope that 2012 will bring about a serious change.

Approximately 25 states have some kind of Stand Your Ground rule or Castle Doctrine laws on the books.
In Florida, where the Zimmerman/Martin case is under intense scrutiny, their rule is simple;

While I am still reserving judgment on this case, it would seem that the majority of blacks just can't help throwing out the race card. It's not all about race. It's all about not living in fear of the thugs and criminals that perpetrate dangerous felonies upon innocent victims of our society. Law abiding citizens should not have to live in fear of the criminal element and should be able to stand their ground and defend themselves and their property. Why should we run screaming in to the night as some politicians would propose?
As you can see, Sen. Robert Ford, (D) of South Carolina has jumped on to the liberal bus to hell and proposes changes in South Carolina's law. He doesn't even know the circumstances of the Zimmerman/Martin incident, but it's obvious why.  He's black and well, he thinks it's the right thing to do for his peeps.
South Carolina's Protection of Persons and Property Act reads as follows;


The stated intent of the legislation is to codify the common law castle doctrine, which recognizes that a person’s home is his castle, and to extend the doctrine to include an occupied vehicle and the person’s place of business. This bill authorizes the lawful use of deadly force under certain circumstances against an intruder or attacker in a person’s dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle. The bill provides that there is no duty to retreat if (1) the person is in a place where he has a right to be, including the person’s place of business, (2) the person is not engaged in an unlawful activity, and (3) the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent death, great bodily injury, or the commission of a violent crime. A person who lawfully uses deadly force is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action, unless the person against whom deadly force was used is a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his official duties and he identifies himself in accordance with applicable law or the person using deadly force knows or reasonably should have known the person is a law enforcement officer.
H.4301 (R412) was signed by the Governor on June 9, 2006.

You see anything racist in that law? Without knowing all the facts, what does the Senator propose?
The same groups who cry racism are they themselves radical bigots. The latest version of the Black "pussy" Panthers is nothing but a home grown terrorist group hell bent on vigilantism and have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner. They have put a price on Zimmerman's head. Spike Lee is also an arrogant jackass who should look before he leaps. He tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman's address and it turned out to be an elderly couple that had nothing to do with the shooting. These poor folks were harrassed and their lives put in danger all because Spike here thought it was a good idea. Oh yes, Spike Lee should be made to pay for that mistake in more ways than one.

If Obama and Atty. Gen. Holder have their way, we will become another socialist country who will slowly lose our 2nd amendment right thereby disarming the citizenry. Thugs and criminals don't play by the rules and will still find guns. We will be helpless in the face of such danger.

Now let's look at the statistics;
Correctional facilities in the US boast a population of 85% black. They kill each other more than they kill other races. However, heaven forbid that blacks beat up, rape, rob and in general cause mayhem against whites or another minority. That's not racism. To them, that is justice. How is that justice? Justice for something that happened 200 years ago? Move on, get over it. Make something out of your life. Stay in school and learn something other then how to deal in drugs, weapons, and commit crimes. If you were to go on to Facebook, you would find an endless amount of profiles of blacks who do nothing but glamorize the thug life style. There are pictures of many posing with wads of cash, drugs and guns of all kinds.
Is this what the black race has become?  Living off of public assistance, dropping out of school and making babies with a slew of Mamas? All this because they feel entitled?

That particular paragraph leads me to an anonymous blog that is less than 2 weeks old. It has attracted attention both locally and internationally regarding its portrayal of some local black thugs and gangers. The writers of this blog have already been accused of being racist, even though all the information they gleaned on their local thugs was already displayed on the public forum called Facebook.

The blog known as  was developed after an officer involved shooting of a black male who was armed with a gun. His family and friends cried the usual racism by white officer bullshit and then some enterprising people from the Thug Life team happened to locate this suspect's Facebook profile that was filled with incriminating evidence. The writers directed said information to their local newspaper "journalist" and then the blog mushroomed in to a repository of thugdom. It's a must read and on my list of blogs to follow. To fully enjoy the experience, scroll down to the first entry and work your way up.
They bill themselves as telling the undiluted truth about stories that the news media will never write about.
They're right. For those of you who have never really fully experienced what the average thug on the street thinks and does, read for yourself. These thugs wanna kill crackas with impunity and thems niggas is all been framed.