The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Home is my Castle

...and yes, I can defend it to the point of using deadly force. 

In my home state, they have made it evidently clear that they will not infringe upon our 2nd amendment right.  You have no duty to retreat in your home, place of business and your occupied vehicle.  To quote that particular passage of law, "lawful use of deadly force under certain circumstances against an intruder or attacker in a person’s dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle. The bill provides that there is no duty to retreat if (1) the person is in a place where he has a right to be, including the person’s place of business, (2) the person is not engaged in an unlawful activity, and (3) the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent death, great bodily injury, or the commission of a violent crime. A person who lawfully uses deadly force is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action, unless the person against whom deadly force was used is a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his official duties and he identifies himself in accordance with applicable law or the person using deadly force knows or reasonably should have known the person is a law enforcement officer.

So if you break in to my house, LOOK OUT!  Burglary is considered a violent crime and a felony - I can use deadly force and I am immune from prosecution, both criminally and civilly.  Same with carjacking and breaking in to my business, robbery, or any other violent crime.

You have to admit, this law is relatively rare with only a handful of states actually having some kind of Castle Doctrine law and defense of others rule.

Recently, there has been a spate of residential burglaries and even an auto break-in on private property.  Each time, the resident used deadly force during the commission of these crimes.  Each time the local prosecutors refused to press any criminal charges against the homeowner or property owner.  Some of the suspects who were shot didn't make it.  Families of those killed were up in arms and quite shocked at the law.  You know, "they were such good boys," "they were turning their life around," "they didn't mean no harm."  Blah, blah, blah. Bullshit!  They were doing what career scumbags do.

Statistics prove that states with these kind of laws on the books, have a lower violent crime rate.  Law abiding citizens who are allowed to arm themselves tend to discourage burglaries and home invasions.

Illinois and Washington DC are prime examples of why trying to outlaw guns altogether won't work.  The violent crime rate goes through the roof.  Besides, the average scumbag can always get an illegal gun and now you've just disarmed law abiding citizens who can literally put a dent in the crime rate.  

Additionally, the US Supreme Court upheld a citizen's fundamental right to arm themselves in their own home, allowing anyone who is not prohibited from owning a firearm, ie; a convicted felon, to defend themselves against an intruder or attacker. The Supreme Court added that local police agencies have no duty to protect every citizen.  Let's be real - it can't be done.  In a 5-4 decision, the judges emphatically stated that the state and local governments cannot interfere with that right. Yet still, these states continue to violate the constitutional rights of their residents until they can actually make some sort of legislation to regulate the ownership and possession of firearms.

One of my favorite episodes of Boston Legal shows William Shatner breaking the news to an armed robber. Remember, it's how well you aim the gun!


Mad Jack said...

In any city where I'm most likely to need a gun to defend myself, it's illegal for me to carry my pistol or defend myself. Why is that?

Older School said...

The majority of those states with such strict laws are the idiot assbackwards blue states. Liberals!
Their belief is if they take away the guns and the crime will go down - problem solved. They don't like the statistics from the FBI and NRA thrown in their face that prove otherwise.