The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Homeowner shoots burglar

For the last few days, I have been totally captivated by 2 Facebook pages that were opened as a direct result of a homeowner lawfully defending himself in his own home.  Here are the basic facts of the case:

Approximately 0840 hours a homeowner is in his bathroom shaving.  He believes he is home alone when he hears noises upstairs.  He looks out a window to see if a family member had returned home and sees no cars.  He grabs his pistol and confronts a black male suspect coming down the stairs with his long guns and a bag of ammo in his hands.  He fires one shot and reportedly this projectile enters at an angle that is somewhat on the backside of the suspect's head.
The homeowner hears more noises and believes there are more intruders (which later is confirmed as one other person is in the house) so he flees from his home and runs to a neighbor's.  The homeowner calls 911 and relays the information.  Quite naturally, he is upset by the circumstances, but the 911 recording released by this police department clearly notes that the homeowner said that the burglar had his rifles and he shot him.

Here's what now plays out -  A high ranking official from this small police department, makes a recorded statement to the news media that outlines the above facts.  He further states that the homeowner will NOT be charged as he was lawfully defending his property from an intruder, as is written under the Castle Doctrine.
In this particular small county, they do NOT have a medical examiner, but just a coroner.  A coroner is an elected official and not a medical doctor.  The coroner pronounces the suspect dead of a gunshot wound.  No criminal matter. Case closed.  No autopsy necessary.  (As a note, if an autopsy was to be conducted, they would have to send the body some 40 miles away to the nearest medical examiner/pathologist and it would cost the county approximately $4000. 00.)  Why bother?  The case is clear cut and obvious.

On a side note, about 10 years ago, the Attorney General for SC, Charlie Condon, declared "open season" on home invaders.  Click on his name and you'll see the press release that stirred up quite a bit of controversy when it was first announced.

In the meantime, 2 other suspects were arrested and both gave statements/confessions of the circumstances and that they were the only 3 people involved.  (One was the getaway driver) These suspects are 18-21 years of age and - surprise - all have criminal records.
The coroner finds that the nearest immediate family member, his Father, is in the Kentucky state penitentiary.  Surprise again.  The father is notified by the coroner.

Nothing here but an open and shut case, right?  You would think, but it seems some liberal moronic relatives from New Jersey come down to find facts, help the family, make arrangements, etc.  An uncle of the deceased suspect starts a Facebook page titled Justice-for-Bobby-L-Gadsden.
You would not believe the unintelligible, moronic, ignorant arguments and comments that were posted on that page.  These people think the Castle Doctrine shouldn't pertain to poor little Bobby and that it's all race related.  Whenever someone clearly and reasonably tried to ask what "justice" they were seeking, the response was usually in the form of a written tirade that made no sense.  In a nutshell, they used every argument imaginable and grasped at straws in their attempt to blame the homeowner.  They did not dispute that their poor baby, Bobby was committing a crime, they just don't think he should have been shot in the back of the head.  They speculate that he was attempting to flee. More rumors, more speculation, more bullshit.  They were demanding an autopsy and were irate that they couldn't view his body.
2 answers were provided :
1.) The coroner really thought it in the family's best interest to release the body directly to the funeral home so that the family would not be exposed to the prettiness of what a bullet to the head can produce.
2.) The coroner can't do the autopsy but would make arrangements for the body to be sent to a medical pathologist of their choosing - but not at the expense of the county.
Apparently, those answers didn't go over well.

It quickly became a white vs. black thing, insults were constantly hurled because of the ghetto language, profanity and outright lies.  Threats were made not only on the page, but people who attempted to make some civilized sense, were receiving threatening messages in their private Facebook mailboxes.  At some point, the uncle came on and did a clean sweep of his page, deleting the comments of many people who's points made some sense and who produced facts to support the law.  These same people found themselves blocked from the page altogether.
The disgusting part is that the Facebook page has over 800 "likes" on it.  Unfortunately, you have to press like to make a comment on it.  As angry as I got at the idiotic ramblings I read on that page, I refused to "like" any part of it.
Rumors swirled that the victim of this crime received death threats and he and his family feared for their safety and have supposedly gone in to seclusion.  A police car is parked out in front of their house 24/7.

Because of all that hateful garbage spewing from the mouths and fingers of the Gadsden Facebook proponents, another page was started.  The administrator of  Truth-About-Bobby-Gadsden set some ground rules;  No racism, no excessively foul language, no threats.  The page was a means of support for the victim and his family, supporting every citizen's 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

The local news media seemed to have lost interest and the uncle posted a story on ireporter CNN which didn't garner much sympathy.  With all their huff and puff, no high profile blow hard has jumped on their bandwagon. The Justice page eluded to NAACP action, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton taking up the cause.
The suspect's family can't sue the homeowner, since he is protected from such action under law.  What lawyer in his right mind would want to take up a losing case?

In fact, in the last 12 hours, it has become ominously quiet, save for a few hangers on.
However, one talk radio blogspot has been shamelessly advertising on the Justice Facebook page about tonight's topic of Bobby Gadsden: Homicide or Justified?

I myself don't plan on listening, but if nothing interests you on TV tonight, and you want to see your blood pressure rise, tune in at 8 p.m.

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