The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Castle Doctrine Goes on Trial

....At least that's the lead in for the latest bit of propaganda perpetrated by a blog talk radio host by the name of Kheri Hines.

Ms. Hines has taken up the cause for Bobby Gadsden and his family, with everyone at that camp believing the Castle Doctrine just doesn't apply in this particular case.  Bobby Gadsden was shot and killed by a homeowner while he was in the midst of burglarizing his home and stealing the homeowner's guns.

 Law Enforcement officials have no intention of charging the homeowner with any crime and the suspect's 2 "friends" are now in jail facing Burglary charges.  Too bad SC doesn't have a felony murder law.  His 2 cohorts should be held responsible for his death.

Now the "come-on" for this Saturday's radio talk show has put a unique spin on the case.  The latest version of the incident is that Bobby was chased out of the residence and shot in the back of the head.  Supposedly there are witnesses to this.  They must be invisible.  The Gadsden camp changes the story on a regular basis, especially when ole' Wanda (full of) Bull is at the helm.  No one has yet fully determined if she's an authorized family spokesperson or one who is just leading the parade of fools.

Lt. Brown from the Moncks Corner Police Dept. gave a full statement to the news media on the day of the shooting, relating the facts in a simple, by-the-book, terminology.  The 911 tape was released in less than 48 hours.  There's nothing more to the story, but the Gadsden clan doesn't want this to go away.  Nope.  They really believe that they can bring about a change in the law so that law abiding citizens will have NO rights and the common street thug will have all the rights to invade your home and steal what doesn't belong to them.

The Justice for Bobby Gadsden Facebook page was removed several days ago, most likely because it was becoming a repository for name calling, slander, insults and just downright poor grammar!  Trying to have a reasonably intelligent conversation on that page was an arduous journey in to a land of  half assed ideas void of any kind of a rational thought process.  A common house pet could form a more cohesive sentence and articulate a point.  It was a painful adventure trying to interpret the ghetto-hip-hop-rap-crap language that was a sorry ass excuse for communication.  How can anyone possibly take someone seriously when the words make no sense and there is no punctuation?  I would personally like to bitch slap the mo'fo' who started all dat!

The Truth About Bobby Gadsden page is still on Facebook.  That page welcomes any and all who wish to make comments in a rational, sane, and non-aggressive manner.  These are ardent supporters of the Castle Doctrine and the 2nd Amendment.  They steadfastly support the homeowner's decision to use deadly force against these intruders or attackers that were unlawfully in someone else's home during the commission of a dangerous felony.

The Gadsden supporters don't seem to understand that whether the perpetrator was armed, unarmed, shot in the head or shot in the was still justified under the legal definition of the law.

I hate to even give this radio talk show any kind of ratings coup, but these people need a dose of reality.  We are NOT racist rednecks with a hidden agenda, conspiring to cover up whatever threat they've whipped themselves up in a frenzy over.  So this Friday, April 29 @ 9:00 p.m. call in to this so-called talk show and let's set the record straight.  I'd say the homeowner needs some justice.

Maybe this would be more of a deterrent?


Beat And Release said...

"A common house pet could form a more cohesive sentence and articulate a point."

Mine did. That 100 pound white German Shepherd said, "Grrr....arf bark grrr barkbarkbarkbark." Translated - "I would have shredded that tasty homie."

Robin Moses/State of South Carolina said...

This "talk show" that Kheri Hines has created is RIDICULOUS! I have made it top priority to get her banned from the airwaves or have some sort of repercussions since she decided to classify the supporters of the Facebook page "Truth About Bobby Gadsden" (I am one) as the Klan. The 1st Amendment does not support freedom of speech when racism and hate is promoted. This is not allowed on radio, tv, internet or social networking sites. IF, for any reason, I cannot get this accomplished before Saturday, I WILL be calling in!!!
Also, she nor anyone else should be "reporting" that there are new eyewitness accounts. Unless you are Mr. Barwick, Bobby Gadsden or possibly the other robber, you DON'T KNOW what happened since this crime took place INSIDE of Mr. Barwick's home!
It will take more that a "two-bit" internet show and a big-mouth like Wanda Bull, to get the laws of South Carolina changed! I have a bigger mouth than any of these people AND I live in the state; I have home field advantage!! LOL I am proud that South Carolina is my home state and I am prouder to defend the laws we have!

Older School said...

B & R - No offense to your Shepherd.

Robin - As I always say, "Just the facts, ma'am."

plewis1700 said...

Watch Kheri Hines blog at dated June 10. Does the Castle Doctrine Justify Mark Howard Murder. Does this sound right to you?

Older School said...

plewis -
The facts as I see it are that Howard was on the property of another without permission and breaking in to an auto at 3 a.m. The homeowner was armed and protecting himself from an intruder or attacker. Howard shined a flashlight at the homeowner, temporarily blinding him. The homeowner fired 2 times and one round struck Howard and he died from his injury. The family of the now deceased perp claim that Howard was on his bicycle and attempting to leave when he was shot. According to the police investigation and the Solicitor's office, there is no evidence present to indicate that the homeowner acted with anything but self defense. Until evidence is presented to the contrary, the homeowner will not be charged.
Howard was a homeless drifter with an extensive criminal history.
Ms. Hines appears to have made it her mission to bring attention to what she deems is a faulty law in SC. There's nothing faulty about it.
Perhaps she might want to think about doing a program on the Castle Doctrine incidents in other states. There are many. I have no idea why she has made SC her focus, but I sincerely doubt she will bring about changes to the law. The people of this state pushed for legislation to get it there will not find too many sympathetic souls here.