The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Variety

I don't know about any of you, but I'm a bit tired of all this Martin-Zimmerman crap. The rhetoric, speculation, protests, and then the vigilantism from the NBPP. In my opinion, for what it may be worth these days considering whitey is at the top of the shit list, the NBPP is a terrorist organization and purveyors of bigotry and racial hatred. They should all be arrested for conspiracy to commit a couple of felonies. But I'm guessing the feds are a bit too busy these days to tip toe through the valley of political correctness.

I'm fed up and hope that my favorite analyst, Beat and Release will enlighten us all with facts and nothing but the facts.  (No pressure, Beat.)
The self defense stand your ground rule is about to be put on trial and this incident has surely sent the democratic liberal gun haters in to a tizzy.
The doom and gloomers are also waiting in the wings ready to say, "I told you so." Their predictions of total anarchy are beginning to come to fruition. So, get your zombie ammo while you still can!

With that off my chest, let me just throw a few things out there and take your mind off all this other shit.



Accidents happen all the time. It's rare that you hear of such a major accident at a firearms shooting range.

Does everyone remember the 4 cardinal rules of firearms safety?

1. Always assume it's loaded or treat it as if were loaded
2. Always point it in a safe direction
3. Know your target, backstop or surroundings
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire

This guy forgot common sense and paid the price.


When you have any type of malfunction, keep it pointed downrange, waiting approximately 30 seconds in case of a hang fire, and then proceed with the proper protocols necessary to clear your malfunction.

The idea is not to shoot yourself or someone else. Too late for this guy.



It's a very simple equation, really.
I own a gun because I can. (Thank you 2nd Amendment)
You try to hurt or rob me, I will use my gun.
Because I can.


He was struck with a gun, and robbed of his money and jewelry. As the bad guy was about to get away, the victim shoots the robber. Unfortunately, the robber had a posse and more gunshots followed and the robbers fled from the scene. One robber is in the hospital fighting for his sorry ass life and another is in custody.



I sure wish I could have been at this scene to observe this incident first hand. Maybe it's best I wasn't. I probably would have cried myself silly with laughter and maybe even pissed my pants.
Words of advice, when committing crimes and attempting to run from the police, you should carefully consider your wardrobe. Attempting to run with your pants down below your buttocks will result in you falling on your face and might even get your ass tasered!


Tell me you're not laughing.

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