The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sly Little Fox: A War Story

I was dispatched to an alarm call.  This is not the first time on this building.  In fact, it's starting to get annoying and the city will soon start writing nasty letters and levying some nuisance fines if it doesn't stop.  It's surrounded by a fence so I know I have to get inside.  Now I know many an officer would just drive around the perimeter for as far as they can take the patrol car and if there were no signs of entry, they would clear the call as building is secure; false alarm.
I am not one of those officers.  If the burglar can get in, then I must too.

The front gate is chained so I pull the car as close as I can up against the gate, taking out the slack in the chain.  I'm not too sure my ass is skinny enough to fit through this opening so I jump up on the car hood and wiggle my way through the top of the fence.  Bingo.  I'm inside the perimeter.
I start my building check.  I have my weapon in my hand and am approaching as quietly as I possibly can.  There doesn't seem to be any signs of entry, and I even remembered to look up.
I hear a rustling noise and freeze, holding my breath at the same time.  Out of the corner of my eye, I catch some movement and turn to point my gun at it.
OH SHIT!  Did I just pull the trigger?  Yes I did, and I shot at a stupid fox near the dumpster!  OH CHRIST!  I am by no means a rookie and I can imagine all the inquisitions, statements and other bullshit that will arise out of my sudden act of stupidity.  NO.  THIS JUST DIDN'T HAPPEN.
I quickly think this out... Since I missed and the fox got away, and probably won't be talking any time soon, I am going to keep this one to myself.  I hear another unit is responding and is not too far away.  I tell dispatch that the building is secure and ask if there is a key holder responding.  There isn't.  I cancel the back up and clear from the call.

I later sneak out of my assigned sector and go to another officer's home.  I know he won't ask questions if I ask for some gun cleaning equipment.  He's old school.
If there's a statute of limitations on being freakin' stupid, I would hope that it has long ago expired.

So the moral of this story is.....if it's furry and has 4 legs, it's probably not a burglar.

Just one sly fox who scared the shit out of me.


Mad Jack said...

I just discovered your blog and put you on my short list of blogs to read. You made the cut! Congratulations!

I always wondered if stuff like this happens. I wouldn't have reported the shot either - what's the point? The 'bad guy' got away and you killed a dumpster. Big deal. Anyway, this is a good story.

Older School said...

Thanks for your support, MJ.
I'm sure things like this have happened, but you won't hear too much about them. It's a definite career ender.
It took many years and an alcohol infused moment of hilarious war story-telling, before I shared that confession.
It's funny - now.