The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Swampy Surrender: A War Story

We had a big problem with vehicle thefts.  Oddly enough, most were juvenile joy rides.  Some actually stripped and shipped to local chop shops.  Finding the chop shops was the biggest obstacle. 

I go in to work one night knowing full well I should have stayed home.  I know I was battling bronchitis and having coughing fits. I was doing my best to stay out of trouble.  Until some fool always ruins it....

I initiate a traffic stop because this fool is driving down the road with no lights and changes lanes with no signal.  Once I hit my blue lights, the chase was on.  [In those days, the supervisor called the shots on the pursuit policy.  If they determined it wasn't worth the risk, we were ordered to break it off.]  I've already called in the plate to dispatch and a few minutes later, they report it is stolen.  Now the supervisor is closely monitoring my radio communications.  I note that there's at least 3 people total in the car, most likely all juvies.

The timing of this car chase couldn't have been any better.  The night shift was just signing on duty, and now that they've heard a pursuit, adrenaline is pumping and everybody wants in.

This pursuit doesn't last long and the occupants find a large parking lot to make a break for it.  On one side of the parking lot is an all night restaurant that is the only decent place to eat in this sector after midnight.  On the other side is a small little building that at that time, was a family operated music store.  What's behind the parking lot is a heavily wooded area.  I've never had the desire to go exploring in these woods, so I had no idea what was in there.  Turns out, I wasn't the only one.

Once the vehicle slows down enough, these 3 juvies bail out, running in 3 different directions.  2 of them head for the woods.  Meanwhile, the stolen car is still rolling and is headed back out in to the street.  I have to try and stop it before someone gets hurt.  Now there's already 3 marked units near me and I give a description of the suspects and where they headed.  2 patrol cars move over to the woods and after I got the car stopped and in park, I noticed that there was someone crouching down in the bushes by the music store.  I pull my weapon, point it at the bushes and tell the kid to get his ass out of there, with his hands up!  He complied and it was an altogether easy arrest.  He was only 13 and scared to death.  Naturally, he's not going to snitch on his friends.

All his excitement is starting to aggravate my bronchitis and I have a coughing fit.

The Sgt. and Lt. show up at the scene and we're all trying to determine where the woods lead.  A few officers ventured forth only to find it swampy.  Snakes are very prevalent and then there's always alligators to contend with.  Who wants to wake a sleeping gator?  Everybody backs out and we do an assessment.  We've made contact with the local Rescue Squad because they have a boat and their house is about 5 miles away.
In a short period of time, 2 Rescue people arrive with their boat in tow.  They also have a terrain map.

While the 2 bosses consult with the rescue people, 4 of us conspire and we now have a plan.  We've done enough warnings, threats, and pleas for the little brats to surrender and we don't even know if they're still in there.
As we planned, we all go as silent as we can for a few minutes and then one officer gets on his PA system and shouts in a very panicked voice, "GATOR!  BACK AWAY EVERYBODY!"
Suddenly, there are a couple of terror filled, girly screams heard and 2 young males come running out of the woods begging to get in a police car.

They're immediately taken in to custody and I'm laughing so hard, I have another coughing fit.
Both the supervisors are also having a hard time keeping a straight face with the Lt. asking why no one thought of it sooner.

Rescue pulls out and the Lt. leaves the rest to the Sgt.  We have separated the juvies and I was going to transport one, when I realized I had a flat tire.  [Yep, no garage available so we have to change them ourselves]  Another officer agrees to transport the juvie and the Sgt., myself and another officer are left.  The other officer, "Rich" grabs the jack and I grab the spare tire out of the trunk of my Crown Vic.

Another coughing fit.

Officer "Rich" has loosened the lug nuts for me and has started jacking it up.  Rich is busting my ass and is only assisting cause I'm sick....but it will cost me. ....blah, blah.  The Sarge warns me that if I'm still sick tomorrow and show for work, he'll kick my ass out the door.

I notice something.  I start to say it, but instead, I'm coughing uncontrollably.  I'm standing behind Rich who is squatting down by the tire.  The car wobbles on the jack.  I pull on Rich's shoulders, while I'm hacking horribly, and pull him back until he falls on his ass.  The look on the Sarge's face is priceless as he must think that things are about to get a little physical between us.  Within seconds, the Ford falls off the jack and plops down hard.
I say, "Sorry man -cough-cough but I couldn't get the words out."   The Sarge says to Rich, "I told you - you didn't do it right."

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