The P.O.P. Factor

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"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Home Invader Meets Shotgun

Blanchard, OK

The headlines read: "Oklahoma woman shoots and kills intruder; 911 says it's ok to shoot."
Well, that's not what the 911 dispatcher said. She said, "I can't tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby."
That statement does not in any way indicate that the dispatcher was giving permission for the young mother to shoot and kill the burglars. She was obviously being non committal, as is her job.
But in the end, the mother did indeed do what she had to do to protect her 3 month old son.
I love how the media puts that twisted little spin on things.

Facts are; On Dec. 31 at 2:00 p.m., 18 year old Sarah McKinley was alone in the trailer with her baby.
2 men were attempting to break in to her residence, one of which was armed with a large hunting knife.
Ms. McKinley put the baby in a rear bedroom with a bottle, and then armed herself with a handgun and a shotgun while she called 911 from her cell phone. She stayed on the line with the dispatcher while the burglars continued their efforts to forcibly open the door.
Once the door went down, and the first suspect began his unlawful entry, Ms. McKinley racked off one shotgun blast to the first intruder, striking him in the upper torso. He died still clutching the hunting knife. The other intruder ran like hell. He later turned himself in to police. McKinley believes that one of those men had recently begun stalking her.

McKinley was forced to take the life of another in an effort to protect herself and her child. The state of Oklahoma is a Castle Doctrine state. She used deadly force during the commission of a dangerous felony and she had no duty to retreat. She stood her ground and defended her castle. Good girl!
If that were not enough drama, just the week before she lost her husband to cancer.

She will not be prosecuted for any crime. What jury in the world would indict a woman protecting her child...Castle Doctrine or not?

Not only will the remaining suspect be charged with burglary for the unlawful entry, but he will also be charged with murder for causing the death of his accomplice.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a fan of the Castle Doctrine.
Aristotle once said, "Law is order, and good law is good order." Nothing like a good law to serve justice.

Blanchard Mother Shoots And Kills Intruder - Video - KOCO Oklahoma City


Anonymous said...

Molon Labe!!

Older School said...

Well, it's all Greek to me, Anonymous....
"Molon Labe" is Greek for 'Come and take it.'
Or, in our vernacular, "Bring it on!"