The P.O.P. Factor

My photo
"Just the facts, ma'am." More often than not, politically correct bullshit won't be found here. Pardon me while I exercise my 1st amendment right! I welcome all to my little world of bitches, moans, gripes and complaints, and sometimes, the downright freakin' odd. Take a seat and join me. I love a good story.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guns Save Lives

If you've never come across this website before, you should take a peek at some of the stories of self defense. It's always a worthy read.
This website is full of people who are tired of being a victim and they're fighting back. It's a proven fact that most gun owners are law abiding citizens who are least likely to commit a crime.

It's amazing how every state except Illinois has some kind of concealed carry law or laws governing gun ownership. With that fact, is it just coincidence that Illinois residents are killing each other in droves? Chicago used to be a city I've always wanted to visit and maybe even catch a Cubby game at Wrigley. Not now. Not ever. Only the thugs and scum on the street have guns and the average citizen has no recourse, no way to defend themselves. Hell, the way the laws are written there, if they even fight back in their own home, they're quite literally breaking the law. Why should you, the victim, have to retreat in your own home? Why should anyone be charged with a crime for defending themselves or their property? Doesn't seem right, does it?

The recent reelection of the Obaminator left me numb for days. How did this happen? Were the voting tallies correct? Were the minority sheeple so taken with Barry's persona that all that hope and change crap blinded them to the reality of our situation? Perhaps it will be one of those mysteries of the ages...just like his birth certificate. Ah, but that's a whole other story.....

Now the proverbial "wish list" of assault weapons those morons in DC want to ban, is out and the gun stores are having a field day.
Sales are up and Black Friday guns sales was at a record breaking high. Yes, I was in the middle of that chaos and our gun shop alone probably sold over 60 guns that day. It was so busy that the National Instant Background Check System (NICS) was practically gridlocked. The Blaze reported the story in all-too-accurate detail.

There's no doubt about it.....people in the red states are scared. Some may even be overly paranoid, believing that SUV's with tinted windows will surround their house in the middle of the night, using Gestapo like tactics to seize everyone's guns. I'd like to think we are a rational people and that it won't come to that.

And now, those geniuses out there in the land of liberal do-gooders think it's a bright idea to have a gun buyback program.

Wonder what that will accomplish?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Countdown to Insanity

With about 2 days left until the election, there's a last minute push by both candidates to garner votes.
If you listen to a left wing this or a right wing that, you'd hear that their respective candidate is in the lead.
I am sure that I am not alone when I say that at this point, I have grown so weary of the campaign rhetoric, that I just want this election to be over already! Alas, the day grows near...

Maybe it's the current state of our country, or maybe I've just become more in tune with today's politics, or I am just plain going senile, but I can't ever remember myself getting so emotionally charged up as I have these last 2 elections. I often have to distance myself from it because I swear I feel my blood pressure rising.
Friends, co-workers, relatives, and every social media outlet imaginable are all continuously bombarding us with campaign "gossip" and rumors. Some based on facts, others not so much. You can't escape it.
The candidates, their stance on the issues and their promises have now advanced to the vomiting stage. Yes, you heard me, vomiting stage. I'm sick I tell you! Sick of it all!

If you are a Twitter follower, you know that "tweets" are small little blurbs of lies and facts, opinions, social and racial insults, comedy, even commercials. I never was a Twitter follower until this year when I started posting my blog entries. Reading tweets is often a chore trying to decipher today's sorry ass excuse for the English language. It often disgusts me and then....well, we know about the vomiting stage so I have to cut myself off. Often times, it's like a train wreck. You know it's coming and you should look away, but our twisted little sense of the macabre just has to see all the carnage. When I read some of these politically charged tweets, my blood boils and my head spins. There are just some people who shouldn't be allowed out by themselves let alone operate electronic devices that are supposed to convey intelligence. On the contrary, the amount of ignorance is just astounding.

The atmosphere in Twitter-land has become emotionally charged and it is rife with threats over the outcome of election 2012. Some are calling for rioting in the streets if Romney is the victor. Some paint Obama as the saint and if he loses, so too, do they lose all their "entitled" benefits. There's a good bit of narrow mindedness floating around in the land of Twitter and it's rather disturbing.
I hope they don't think that my vote will be swayed by threats of violence. That kind of throws the meaning of democracy right out the window. I do not like my current President and have made no bones about it.
I did not vote for him in 08 and did not threaten to run amok in the streets if he won. I also did not use social media sites to make death threats. By not backing Obama, some might call me a racist. Trust me when I tell you that that word has become the bane of anti Obama supporters everywhere. It's simply an excuse and is in no way true. In fact, if Herman Cain hadn't done himself in, I'd have probably been swayed to vote for him. But like many politicians and wealthy business owners, he turned out to be a bit of a whore monger and found himself disgraced so he did the only thing he could do - he threw in the towel.

I have already voted absentee. I do not want to be near any polling place on Tuesday. I will be working all day just so I will not sit in front of the television, mesmerized by the explanations and diagrams of blue and red, while newscasters drone on, explaining the differences of the popular vote versus the electoral college. The last election had me standing in line for over 2 hours to vote. My precinct evidently grew considerably between 04 and 08 as I had never seen such a turnout.
For those of you that are registered voters and haven't voted yet, please go vote. Don't be discouraged.

As I was composing this entry, my fellow blogger over at Charleston Thug Life was also apparently hovering through the Twitter world and had captured some interesting tweets. Go visit his blog and see what I'm referring to. Reading is believing.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fact or Fiction?

I have no idea how true this is and whether it's a factual transcript of a "Meet the Press" interview.
It is, however, food for thought.

Do we really want another 4 years of this unpatriotic, left wing, socialist, communist, liberal, radical fucking moron? Ask yourself if we're any better off than we were 4 years ago. Do we actually want this loser to finish the job he started? With that....

Don't forget to vote. 

He told us in advance what he planned to do.  Few were listening. The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet the Press."

From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48 EST, televised "Meet the Press," the then Senator Obama was asked ab out his stance on the American Flag. General Bill Gann, USAF (Ret.) asked Obama to explain why he doesn't follow protocol when the Nation Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...
"During rendition of the National Anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "stand and face it."

Senator Obama replied: "As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides. There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."

Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.'
If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as redesign out flag to better offer our enemies hope and love." 
"It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East brethren. If we, as a nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the Nations of Islam, where peace prevails, perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments."

"When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting
oppressive thoughts. We as a nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is why my wife disrespects the flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past. Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring change to this nation and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our country's first black family. Indeed, change is about to overwhelm the United States of America."

Yes, you read it right. I for one, am speechless.

Dales Lindsborg, Washington Post

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Listen to Papa

Dallas, TX

For the many fathers out there who teach their daughters how to take care of themselves and how to shoot a hat's off to ya. You did the right thing. For those daughters who don't always want to listen to their Papa....PAY ATTENTION!

When I saw this news story, I was truly amazed at this man! He taught his daughters how to take a stance, stand their ground and defend themselves. He was quite proud that she listened to him and did as she was taught.

Two armed burglars break in to their home while she's sleeping. They head up the stairs and she shoots them as they approach her. One suspect is shot and killed and the other got away. Dad is only sorry she didn't get the other one. Gotta love it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Sign of the Times

Being from a family of native northerners (yea, one of those blue states), and many of us having already migrated south, it was only natural that when my Mother retired from her state job, she would move south to Florida. You know, the Sunshine State. The place where my Brother likes to lovingly refer to as "the place where old people go to die."

Having lost my Dad a few years back, Mom's independence is evident. Everything is paid for and she gets her pension. She does what she wants when she wants. She wants for nothing and that is as it should be when you retire. I admire her tenacity because after 5 kids, an ailing husband, and some very tough times, she still has her attitude and swagger. While on in years, my Mother still walks with such determination and a look on her face that could knock you on your ass if you gazed too long. A look we all remember from back in the day when she would use your full name or talk between clenched teeth. Now, on those rare occasions when she does those things, we take a step back and cringe, as those childhood flashbacks run through our memory circuits.

We all worry about our Mother. Independence and strong will aside, she is elderly and a prime target for scum, maggots, thieves, rapists, whatever else you  want to call today's violent offenders. She does have a soft heart, but I'd like to think that she is smart and savvy enough that she will not be conned by some smooth talking, snake oil salesman. However, violence is something no one can predict or often times, adequately prepare for. 

But I digress...

While I myself do not live in Florida, I live in a state that recognizes the Stand Your Ground Rule and the Castle Doctrine. In fact, ours was patterned off of Florida's since they were the first state to enact such legislation. In 1996, they started this wave of concealed carry reform.

We live in a world where violence is perpetrated wantonly and many of these thugs have no conscious, taking lives with impunity. Senior citizens are now empowering themselves, obtaining their permits or at least getting handguns for their homes or having them in their cars. I see them all the time at the gun store and gun range.
They ask for advice and information on the gun laws and what they should purchase. Many more are getting their permits to carry concealed.

A prime example of senior citizens fighting back is when that elderly man shot 3 armed robbers at an internet cafe in Florida. He went to town on their asses! He had a carry permit and he had a concealed handgun he whipped out during the commission of a felony. He fought back, defending the lives of many others in that cafe and thwarting a robbery. While he popped a cap in their ass on the way out the door, which he probably shouldn't have considering the threat was leaving, I can't see any jury in Florida convicting him. The jury would be full of gray haired compatriots who would all want to buy him a drink and pat him on the back.

While my Mother thinks all of her children are overly protective and paranoid, we have all seen the reality of life, more so me, and we all worry about her safety. While she doesn't have a permit and stubbornly refuses to do so, she has a revolver in her home and on rare occasions, has it in her car.  No, she doesn't have to jump through hoops or have permission from the state government to have it in either place, nor does she have any kind of 'registration' process for guns she may keep in her home for self defense. That is her Constitutional right.
I also provided Mom with a simple to use can of pepper spray that fits neatly in her purse or on her key ring. That too, is not illegal in Florida. Illegal as hell on an airplane, but not illegal in Florida.

Mom recently took her car in for service. At the dealership the sales person asked her if she had any weapons in the car. She smiled, and said, "No, not there." According to my Mother, she saw the salesman was carrying a gun under his suit coat. He told her that they have to ask now because they had 2 customers who had left their guns in their cars. One of the forgetful gun owners was a law enforcement officer. Another elderly gentlemen had a .45 in his center console and they had to call both to come retrieve their weapons before they did any work on their vehicles.

Hell-oooo folks! Whatever happened to responsible gun ownership? Don't we get enough flak from the liberal left who think banning guns is the solution to all the violence? 

But you've got to ask yourself one question, and it's not, "Do you feel lucky, punk?" Although....
No, the question you should ask yourself is, "Do you want to be a victim or do you want to be a survivor?"
And I am by no means condoning vigilantism. I am, however suggesting that no one should have to stand by and cower in fear because thugs don't care! They take what they want by any means necessary. Get a gun and learn how to use it. It's unfortunate, but it's a sign of the times. We live in a violent world.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How Stupid Can you Be?

In my line of work you see a lot of stupid. Just when you think you've seen all the stupid there is in the world, along comes something that, for the moment, tops my list of stupid.

How stupid do you have to be to break in to a gun store?
The answer is.....


And, if you're going to stop would be burglars from stealing from your gun store, you must have the appropriate tools necessary to eliminate the threat.
This little baby should get the job done....

That guy would be alive today had he not been so stupid.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are you Eff'n Kidding Me??

Charleston, SC

The Sheriff of Charleston County, SC, J. Al Cannon, Esq., was recently arrested and charged with 3rd Degree Assault for slapping a perp after a lengthy high speed car chase.

See This blog story followed by this this second article.

Now this is the latest bit of news. The Sheriff's arrest comes only 2 days after the same arrogant asshole who started this ball rolling, is arrested for Driving Under Suspension, 6th offense.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Guns DO Save Lives

Let's face it, unless you've been living under a rock, you can't help seeing news coverage of all the latest mass shootings. Things like Aurora, Co, the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin and now, the shooting involving NYPD, are prime examples. When these things happen, all the talking heads and liberal media begin asking such hard hitting questions, wondering how it could have happened and how to prevent it. Everybody's got an idea and most involve banning guns altogether. That debate never ends. And as long as there are half assed liberals who want the government to do their thinking for them, then there will always be morons who think that criminals will obey the gun laws.

Let's just take a look at some of the most crime infested cities in the US....they all have gun bans.
Chicago, IL
Baltimore, MD
Camden, NJ
are prime examples of high crime rates and a strict gun ban. There's a correlation but the anti-gun crowd doesn't see it.

Because the near sighted, politically correct news media doesn't point out the facts, and instead glosses over certain details, it tends to result in the anti gun zealots going through life with blinders on. Ask yourself why the majority of gun violence involves black males. Most of the guns obtained by the black males were acquired by them illegally. But you don't hear about that in the news media. It would be racist to do it otherwise.
In fact, when you hear about gun owners and concealed carry permit holders using their firearms in self defense, defense of a third person, or protection of their property, it's usually from some obscure or local source. You don't see CNN or Fox News covering that story. When the average law abiding gun owner does the general public a favor, you certainly don't hear about that in the national news.

There is a website out there called, Guns Save Lives  and it does an excellent job of ferreting out and reporting on stories of people who have used their firearms to protect themselves. Paste it to your favorites and read the latest stories. The criminal element needs to be on their toes because the pissed off  public refuses to be a victim!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shoplifting is Stupid

Charleston, SC

Ever been stupid enough to shoplift in a gun store or a liquor store? Would be kinda foolish around these parts. SC law states that you can wear a firearm in an open and exposed manner in your home or place of business or if you deal in firearms in the usual or ordinary course of business.

With that in mind, you see someone in the store wearing a firearm, or if you have an inkling that the owner might be armed, THINK before you even consider committing a crime. It's common knowledge in this state that just about every liquor store owner has a gun either in view, or somewhere close at hand.
After all, to 2 easiest places to do a stick up are convenience stores and liquor stores. In most of those blue states, liberals think that people with guns will drink irresponsibly and then start shooting. On the contrary, most gun owners are responsible adults who respect firearms.

On that note.....

Why would you and your co-horts go in to a liquor store and start shoplifting? Even if there's only one person working in the store, you can bet he's got something to defend and protect himself.

In this case, Justin Jones and possibly his thug friends went in to a liquor store and started stealing merchandise. The owner chased them out of the store. It wasn't until one of the robbers got in to their vehicle and tried to run him over that the store owner pulled out his handgun and fired at them.
He is claiming self defense and is within the legal limits of the law.
However, the news story from the local rag does what it usually does, confuses facts and slants the truth. There's actually no objectivity in news reporting anymore....but that's another story for another time.

Read this...

Jones went to jail and the liquor store owner didn't.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Another way to Piss off the Police

Montpelier, VT

A pissed off marijuana dealer who resists arrest, decides he's going to get even.
Well, what does some redneck farmer do when he's pissed off? He gets behind the wheel of some kind of motorized vehicle, and with dogged determination, goes out in search of the very same sonsabitches who locked his ass up.
He gets on his trusty farm tractor and heads to the police station. That's where dey park all dem poleece cars.
With revenge on his mind, he literally drives over every police car in the parking lot, demolishing them.
Hell, the cops in the house didn't even know this was happening until a neighbor watched the destruction and called 911.

With all their means of transportation destroyed, it was kind of difficult for police to pursue a farm tractor that clocks out at top speeds of 20 mph. They knew who he was. The hunt was on!

The The POP Factor just got cranked up a notch. Running over police cars? What's the world coming to?
Would you be pissed or would you laugh?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Zombies vs. Westboro

Thought the Zombie apocalypse was imminent? Don't fret. They've taken a little break to polish up their image and help in the fight against tyranny and oppression. Yes, the Zombies are indeed pro military and despise those hateful scum at the Westboro Baptist Church.

Yes, those ignorant bastards have once again tried their hardest to tell the world that soldiers are being killed because of homosexuality. Other than the old "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, I can't see the connection. They are hate mongers in the truest sense of the word and have poisoned their own children with their twisted views of God and religion.

Since the Supreme Court upheld Westboro's 1st Amendment right to protest at funerals of fallen service members, many people do what they can to peacefully 'block' their verbal harassment and insults. The Patriot Guard Riders, some 300,000 strong nationwide, have made it their mission to protect the family from these vicious hate mongers.

Those brain eating ZOMBIES have learned something from all that mass consumption. They've learned that Westboro Baptist fits the profile of a terrorist organization and is right up there with the New Black Panthers.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Guns or People?

The left wing liberals are on their soapbox these last few days. The shooting in Colorado has the anti gun lobby so excited this election year and once again, we listen to their tired old arguments. How can people actually believe that this shooting never would have happened if people weren't allowed to buy guns? They say, "guns kill people." No matter how many times you remind them that those triggers don't pull themselves, the gun haters still think that if guns were outlawed, the murder rate and shootings would drop. Apparently they forgot about the outlaws, thugs, gangsta wanna-bees and other criminal elements. Do they obey the laws? I wonder why the retarded Democrats think this may work?
Is it working in Illinois? That's the only state that doesn't have a concealed carry law and look at their astronomical murder rate from guns. Coincidence? The citizens can't fight back, can they? Instead, they must cower and endure the fate handed out by the very same democratic assholes who voted for the Obaminator.

Whenever something like this happens, the anti gun assholes climb out from under their rocks and then gun sales skyrocket. Trust me. I work in a gun store. It was a madhouse this weekend.

If guns kill people, then the thousands of guns in my store would have conspired together to wipe out earthlings and take over the world. They haven't. In fact, parents bring their kids along while they shop for guns and accessories and use our indoor firing range. The world is often a cruel, nasty place and parents find it necessary to teach their children how to respect the firearm.
If guns kill people then should we release all the criminals in the jails who have committed murder by using a gun? After all, they didn't do it. The gun did it.

A friend passed these words on to me today,

The gun has no conscience, it merely carries out the will of the one who uses it. Just like cars don't intend to make you drive drunk, the car is innocent and you're not. The pencil didn't intend to make you misspell words, you're the idiot in control of the pencil; be thankful that it gave you an eraser so you can try to fix your grammatical fuck ups, but that would require intelligence, something that is sorely missed in this day and age.

The United States has an out of control drug problem. Can we ban all the drugs when they are often necessary to aid in the healing of the sick? Can we ban alcohol because people drink and drive? I don't know about you, but we repealed prohibition 80 plus years ago and I would like to continue enjoying my one and only vice during my twilight years.

My friends at the ATF would agree that there are just some things you don't screw around with.

Living in a red state, we like our guns and our 2nd Amendment. The Supreme Court held up our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, but if the left wing, libtards have their way, we could be literally fighting for those rights in the next 4 years.

This video is of a gunstore owner who had been interviewed by their local news media. Mr. Pendergast states, "The only reason that there's a 1st Amendment is because there's a 2nd Amendment. Without the 2nd Amendment, the 1st Amendment would go away." Do we really want that?

There is also an inaccurate comment at the end of the video. (The news media? Inaccurate reporting? That would never happen.)
The reporter states that you must have a concealed weapons permit to carry a gun. That is not entirely true. Yes, you must have a CWP to carry the firearm concealed upon your person. However, you don't need a permit to purchase or possess a handgun or rifle or to have one in your home, car, or place of business.
State laws vary, but in our pro 2nd Amendment state, we are required to conduct instant background checks through NICS (National Instant Background Check System) when a person purchases a gun from us. They do not give out information, they only tell you whether to proceed with a sale, delay it or deny it.
It must have been a busy little place over the weekend. They experienced a higher than normal call volume and many of us were put on hold for extended periods of time. That almost never happens.

So who is ultimately responsible for this senseless shooting? The fuckin' idiot who pulled the trigger!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hot time in the City

Beaufort County, SC

Times are tough. We all know that. We do what we can to pay the bills. People get desperate during desperate times. When people get desperate, they often do things out of character. Sometimes the reasoning behind doing these desperate things borders on the irrational. Resorting to making or dealing in drugs, break ins, thefts and robberies are at an all time high. Pawn shops and scrap metal businesses are doing some booming business.

It's also hot. Everywhere. It seems as though the whole east coast is melting under this unbearable heat wave and many millions of people are without power and may be for some time.
That stupid bastard, Al Gore keeps rubbing our faces in his global warming prediction. Okay, I concede. He may have been on to something, but nothing worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize. He deserved that recognition almost as much as Obama deserved his. Oh, but that's a whole other rant.

My point is that the theft of certain metals and air conditioning units is on the increase. Copper is a lucrative commodity and AC units and plumbing disappear frequently. In Beaufort Co., SC the Sheriff's department had been reporting a rash of AC units being stolen and then.....they too became the victim.
A Deputy made a stop at a small sub-station and noted the oppressive temperature inside. His investigative skills lead him to the biggest clue ever....someone had stolen the AC unit.
People are brazen. You really shouldn't POP during a heat wave. They get kinda cranky.

Just a little humor.

AC Thefts Heats up

Have a safe 4th of July, Independence Day celebration!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pay Attention

As is common knowledge, I work part time in a local gun store. When you're in a low profile situation such as retail sales, customers mostly look through you. They see you only when they want something and then they promptly forget you. I find it refreshing. So, I wear a t-shirt with the company logo and my name on it.  But I get to wear jeans or shorts so there's a plus. Yes, we wear handguns in an open and fully exposed manner. All the employees of the gun shop must also qualify with their carry guns. Some employees are exempt from training if they're an instructor or receive their training from other accredited sources.

I find myself getting to know some of the local constabulary in the surrounding jurisdictions. Some know me from back in the day and there are many of the newcomers who stop in for law enforcement equipment. Sometimes, they're in town temporarily for one reason or another, and need to stop by for a set of cuffs, a holster, some ammo...anything they might need in a hurry.

Being close to Federal training centers, airports and Air Force Bases, it's not uncommon for federal agents to stop by to browse or buy something.
Recently, I experienced something that just threw me....

As I mentioned, we wear uniform shirts with our names and sometimes our credentials printed on them. For example; "Gunsmith", "Armorer", "Firearms or rifle instructor", etc.
One recent day, I was assisting a customer with a holster and, as I often do, I explain that having the firearm at hand is the best way to determine if the holster is a good fit. This black male customer said he had a Sig Sauer.
I asked if he had it with him. He said he was wearing it and it was 'hot.' I mentioned that I sincerely hoped he was a law enforcement officer or a concealed weapons permit holder. He said law enforcement officer and promptly showed his credentials. US Customs. I stifled a laugh.
His cell phone rings and before he answers it, he hands me his loaded duty weapon. Oh yes, at least he handed it to me butt first.
Stunned, but not totally surprised, I proceed to drop the mag and clear the one from the chamber. I let the chambered round fall on the floor. While he's chatting away on his cell, I was quite certain he picked up on the fact that one round was on the floor. He cuts his phone call short and he tries the holster. Meanwhile, I've casually covered the live round with my foot. He takes the holster and we head to the register. I hand him his loaded mag and his Sig with the slide back.  He suddenly stops and asks if I loaded his magazine with the one round. I open my hand as I reply, "you mean this one?"

Nothing like being aware of your surroundings and multi tasking. Think this guy can drive and talk on the radio at the same time? He does not know who I am or what I do. My shirt has my first name and indicates I'm a firearms instructor. We now have a new level of stupidity.  He just arbitrarily handed over his loaded duty weapon to some employee at a gun store. Brilliant.

I have to say that I'm all for equal opportunity but it's often misconstrued. "Equal" means everyone does the same thing equally. Don't ask for special favors. If you can't do the job like everyone else, you shouldn't be there. I'll give credit where credit is due.

So if you're a law enforcement officer who just can't get a grasp on basic firearms safety, you shouldn't be in law enforcement....and you shouldn't have any kind of gun!

On another note: I have often fielded questions such as; "Do you sell guns and ammo?" "Do you have rifle ammo in stock?" "Do you sell accessories for your guns?" "If I use the gun range, do I have to bring my own ammo?"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Another Nut Case

Spartanburg, SC

Here we go again. The morality police have resurfaced. My previous posts of

Morality Police
Ah, Nutz! Not again.
More Nutz
Driving Me Nutz

have prompted me to report on the latest Nutz fiasco.  But first, the incident that started this whole ball rolling involved a ridiculously pompous police chief by the name of Franco Fuda who thought that red plastic nutz hanging from the rear of a pick up truck was obscene. Chief "Fuda fuck up" invoked some out dated traffic law that has yet been removed from the V & T code. Never mind the fact that the last time the law was actually used was in the late 90's, or the fact that it is a broadly absurd piece of legislation that needs to find the nearest trash can. It is also blatantly unconstitutional. I personally, have seen things a lot more offensive than multi-colored, plastic true-to-size (depends on your perspective) testicles.

Obscenity is all about perspective. What one person finds obscene, another might find humorous. While I wouldn't hang these things on my truck, even if I had one, I find the whole thing laughable.

The original Truck Nutz case, Virginia Tice v. Town of Bonneau, has yet to go to trial after 3 postponements. 65 year old Tice is being represented pro bono by a very prominent law firm from Charleston, SC.  

This time around, a Spartanburg County Deputy Sheriff documented that his probable cause for a traffic stop was because a pair of truck nutz was prominently displayed on the rear of the offending vehicle. The driver of the car, Joe Cervantes-Rodriguez, 31, was operating a motor vehicle without a valid drivers license. He was arrested on that charge and was given a written warning ticket on the obscenity display after the driver had already removed the object from his car. Not that a warning ticket means anything, but this Deputy's reasoning for making the traffic stop in the first place is flimsy, at best.

Once again, SC is the target of some well deserved jabs.  This story, along with the original truck nutz incident, has been reported throughout the U.S. Now, Reuters finds this incident newsworthy enough to report it on an international level.

Don't we have more important things to concern ourselves with than making traffic stops over some bulls balls?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

There's an End in Sight

When you hear the words, "it's complicated," take heed. There's generally a long story and you're often better off not having asked the question that elicited that particular response.

The adrenaline pumping action of being in law enforcement is that you can sit for hours doing nothing and then suddenly, all hell breaks lose. You hop from call to call without taking a breath. Some of the calls are complicated and intricate dramas starring some yet-to-be-discovered acting talent, some even making their premiere debut.
In fact, some of the acting is so well performed that it's often difficult to determine who the real liars, thieves and murderers are. As a law enforcement officer, it often takes years of practice to hone your talents as a producer and director of life's little dramas.
Shakespeare once said that, "all the world's a stage and we are merely players."  True dat.

Moving past this story's prologue, let me just cut to the chase...

These 3 characters are the lead players in the unfolding drama that centers around lies, drugs and guns.

Nothing new, right? Same old shit, different faces.

This little story is probably excellent fodder for one of those made for TV docudramas. It's a complicated web of deceit and bullshit.

The officer that wrote this report must be commended for his/her attention to detail and I'm sure  it will take a few snorts of a favorite alcoholic beverage to blur the memory of this.

It's a little lengthy, so grab a cold one and read this story.

Friday, April 27, 2012

When the Zombies Attack....

...will you be prepared?

Working in a gun shop has many advantages. Not only do you get some serious employee discounts, but you get to play with all kinds of guns. I continue to learn new things every day and that includes interacting with a wide spectrum of the human race. Not that there's any shortage of that in my business, but when people don't know who you really are and you're not wearing some intimidating uniform, they tend to open up a bit. There are people who come in there in awe of a real gun shop and indoor range, most especially when they hail from those northern blue states and other parts of the world.

Gun purchases in my state have more than doubled since this time last year and better than half the gun purchasers are women. People are signing up in droves for the CWP classes and applications for concealed weapon permits have far surpassed last year's numbers. The state government body who processes CWP applications sent an email memo to all instructors to please assist in expediting the permitting process by double checking all paperwork for potential errors. It was time consuming to send them back for corrections and they were over-burdened as it was.

Why are so many people buying guns, you ask?
It's simple....they are in fear.  People fear different things. Some seem to have a fear of impending doom based on the present political climate, and maybe they're justified in that one. Some fear that the present Zimmerman-Martin case will effect the 'stand your ground' law and that there will be anarchy and chaos in the streets.  Women are becoming empowered, refusing to be victims. The incidents of violent crimes are soaring, especially in the larger urban areas.


there are those that fear the Zombie Apocalypse. When the Zombies attack, will you be ready?

Like the price of gasoline, the price of ammo continues to rise. Before that Obamination starts stripping the law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights, it's time to stock up.
Who knows, maybe the Obaminator is conspiring with the Zombies to make us all brainless drones that follow his socialist dictatorship without question.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Are you a member of AA?

That's Assholes Anonymous.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Standing Your Ground

The recent controversy surrounding the Zimmerman/Martin shooting case has put many Democrats and liberal morons jumping on to an out-of-control bandwagon. Democratic legislators from several Castle Doctrine states are already springing in to action in a sorry ass attempt to keep and maintain their votes come re-election time. Their knee jerk reactions over the Stand Your Ground law should not be surprising, but many wonder where the common sense road has gone to.

It's obvious....the Common Sense Road has been paved over by the Blvd. of Political Correctness.

Have we become a nation of 'let's feel good about ourselves' whites who voted for a black president because it was the right thing to do? Never mind that he was just another corrupt Chicago politician, that he was totally unqualified, and his American birthright was and still is, questionable. Blacks who don't ordinarily vote  for whatever reason there may be, came out in droves to put this pathetic loser in office. Never mind if he was qualified or not. The vast majority of blacks voted him in to office based solely on the color of his skin.
To this day, I swear that there was an over abundance of voter fraud perpetrated on the fateful day in November 2008. We can only hope that 2012 will bring about a serious change.

Approximately 25 states have some kind of Stand Your Ground rule or Castle Doctrine laws on the books.
In Florida, where the Zimmerman/Martin case is under intense scrutiny, their rule is simple;

While I am still reserving judgment on this case, it would seem that the majority of blacks just can't help throwing out the race card. It's not all about race. It's all about not living in fear of the thugs and criminals that perpetrate dangerous felonies upon innocent victims of our society. Law abiding citizens should not have to live in fear of the criminal element and should be able to stand their ground and defend themselves and their property. Why should we run screaming in to the night as some politicians would propose?
As you can see, Sen. Robert Ford, (D) of South Carolina has jumped on to the liberal bus to hell and proposes changes in South Carolina's law. He doesn't even know the circumstances of the Zimmerman/Martin incident, but it's obvious why.  He's black and well, he thinks it's the right thing to do for his peeps.
South Carolina's Protection of Persons and Property Act reads as follows;


The stated intent of the legislation is to codify the common law castle doctrine, which recognizes that a person’s home is his castle, and to extend the doctrine to include an occupied vehicle and the person’s place of business. This bill authorizes the lawful use of deadly force under certain circumstances against an intruder or attacker in a person’s dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle. The bill provides that there is no duty to retreat if (1) the person is in a place where he has a right to be, including the person’s place of business, (2) the person is not engaged in an unlawful activity, and (3) the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent death, great bodily injury, or the commission of a violent crime. A person who lawfully uses deadly force is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action, unless the person against whom deadly force was used is a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his official duties and he identifies himself in accordance with applicable law or the person using deadly force knows or reasonably should have known the person is a law enforcement officer.
H.4301 (R412) was signed by the Governor on June 9, 2006.

You see anything racist in that law? Without knowing all the facts, what does the Senator propose?
The same groups who cry racism are they themselves radical bigots. The latest version of the Black "pussy" Panthers is nothing but a home grown terrorist group hell bent on vigilantism and have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner. They have put a price on Zimmerman's head. Spike Lee is also an arrogant jackass who should look before he leaps. He tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman's address and it turned out to be an elderly couple that had nothing to do with the shooting. These poor folks were harrassed and their lives put in danger all because Spike here thought it was a good idea. Oh yes, Spike Lee should be made to pay for that mistake in more ways than one.

If Obama and Atty. Gen. Holder have their way, we will become another socialist country who will slowly lose our 2nd amendment right thereby disarming the citizenry. Thugs and criminals don't play by the rules and will still find guns. We will be helpless in the face of such danger.

Now let's look at the statistics;
Correctional facilities in the US boast a population of 85% black. They kill each other more than they kill other races. However, heaven forbid that blacks beat up, rape, rob and in general cause mayhem against whites or another minority. That's not racism. To them, that is justice. How is that justice? Justice for something that happened 200 years ago? Move on, get over it. Make something out of your life. Stay in school and learn something other then how to deal in drugs, weapons, and commit crimes. If you were to go on to Facebook, you would find an endless amount of profiles of blacks who do nothing but glamorize the thug life style. There are pictures of many posing with wads of cash, drugs and guns of all kinds.
Is this what the black race has become?  Living off of public assistance, dropping out of school and making babies with a slew of Mamas? All this because they feel entitled?

That particular paragraph leads me to an anonymous blog that is less than 2 weeks old. It has attracted attention both locally and internationally regarding its portrayal of some local black thugs and gangers. The writers of this blog have already been accused of being racist, even though all the information they gleaned on their local thugs was already displayed on the public forum called Facebook.

The blog known as  was developed after an officer involved shooting of a black male who was armed with a gun. His family and friends cried the usual racism by white officer bullshit and then some enterprising people from the Thug Life team happened to locate this suspect's Facebook profile that was filled with incriminating evidence. The writers directed said information to their local newspaper "journalist" and then the blog mushroomed in to a repository of thugdom. It's a must read and on my list of blogs to follow. To fully enjoy the experience, scroll down to the first entry and work your way up.
They bill themselves as telling the undiluted truth about stories that the news media will never write about.
They're right. For those of you who have never really fully experienced what the average thug on the street thinks and does, read for yourself. These thugs wanna kill crackas with impunity and thems niggas is all been framed.

Friday, March 30, 2012

"Nothing Really Matters;" A Musical Interlude

Oh, Canada! You Royal Mounties must be havin' yer some fun up there, eh?

Every now and then, there's some stupid and moronic stuff that happens on the job that possesses an entertainment factor almost off the charts. I really think that this is one of those moments. I know it's a little lengthy but this talented rising star has put his own spin on the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen.

Sit back, get ya a cold one, and enjoy the backseat dash cam movie of the week.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Variety

I don't know about any of you, but I'm a bit tired of all this Martin-Zimmerman crap. The rhetoric, speculation, protests, and then the vigilantism from the NBPP. In my opinion, for what it may be worth these days considering whitey is at the top of the shit list, the NBPP is a terrorist organization and purveyors of bigotry and racial hatred. They should all be arrested for conspiracy to commit a couple of felonies. But I'm guessing the feds are a bit too busy these days to tip toe through the valley of political correctness.

I'm fed up and hope that my favorite analyst, Beat and Release will enlighten us all with facts and nothing but the facts.  (No pressure, Beat.)
The self defense stand your ground rule is about to be put on trial and this incident has surely sent the democratic liberal gun haters in to a tizzy.
The doom and gloomers are also waiting in the wings ready to say, "I told you so." Their predictions of total anarchy are beginning to come to fruition. So, get your zombie ammo while you still can!

With that off my chest, let me just throw a few things out there and take your mind off all this other shit.



Accidents happen all the time. It's rare that you hear of such a major accident at a firearms shooting range.

Does everyone remember the 4 cardinal rules of firearms safety?

1. Always assume it's loaded or treat it as if were loaded
2. Always point it in a safe direction
3. Know your target, backstop or surroundings
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire

This guy forgot common sense and paid the price.


When you have any type of malfunction, keep it pointed downrange, waiting approximately 30 seconds in case of a hang fire, and then proceed with the proper protocols necessary to clear your malfunction.

The idea is not to shoot yourself or someone else. Too late for this guy.



It's a very simple equation, really.
I own a gun because I can. (Thank you 2nd Amendment)
You try to hurt or rob me, I will use my gun.
Because I can.


He was struck with a gun, and robbed of his money and jewelry. As the bad guy was about to get away, the victim shoots the robber. Unfortunately, the robber had a posse and more gunshots followed and the robbers fled from the scene. One robber is in the hospital fighting for his sorry ass life and another is in custody.



I sure wish I could have been at this scene to observe this incident first hand. Maybe it's best I wasn't. I probably would have cried myself silly with laughter and maybe even pissed my pants.
Words of advice, when committing crimes and attempting to run from the police, you should carefully consider your wardrobe. Attempting to run with your pants down below your buttocks will result in you falling on your face and might even get your ass tasered!


Tell me you're not laughing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

And the winner is....The Castle Doctrine


The Castle Doctrine Strikes Again

Charleston, SC

The previous entry reported on an attempted carjacking case where the driver of the car, fearing for his safety, shot and killed a suspect who was attempting to get in to his vehicle while he was stopped at a red light.
After firing 2 times at the perpetrator, the driver fled the scene and called 911 when he was a safe distance away. The convicted drug dealer and total scumbag that he shot, died right there on the scene.  31 year old Artremain Grant had several convictions for drug offenses and spent some time behind bars. (Shocking!)

Grant's Grandmother, Willie Mae Grant, done raised him to be a fine, up standin' young man. He was a church goer and all. Well, not so much anymore.

Under the Protection of Persons and Property Act for SC, the occupant of the vehicle can use deadly force if he has reasonable cause to believe that his life is in danger, and to protect himself and his property during the commission of a dangerous felony. Carjacking is a dangerous felony and well, it's 4 a.m. and someone is trying to get in to his car. He got that gun that all law abiding citizens are allowed to possess. The one he has legally in his vehicle stored in the closed glove compartment, console or trunk. Yes. That one. The one that doesn't require a permit. The one the 2nd Amendment says he can have. He got his gun and he acted in self defense. He shot the bastard.

Well, as luck would have it, the REAL victim of this crime will not be charged.

Amazingly, Miss Willie Mae doesn't deny her grandson had his share of issues. Listen to her story.
Granny's pretty mellow or she's heavily medicated.

Also, no one knows how Grant got there and who his co-horts in crime are. They fled the scene and left their buddy in the middle of the road to die. Nothin' like a little bro love.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Castle Doctrine Strikes Again!

Charleston, SC

The Castle Doctrine is a powerful piece of legislation that for a moment, had me thinking that politicians actually got something right for a change. Alas, moments are just that.

I also love it when the law abiding citizen takes a stance and defends themselves. It gives me a little bit of smug satisfaction knowing that there are people out there who will not tolerate being a victim.  People are fighting back and turning the tables. It's too bad that the criminals haven't started catching on to that. They still do what they do best....being stupid.

In South Carolina, the Castle Doctrine allows you to use deadly force against an intruder or an attacker in your dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle.

You have no duty to retreat in any of these places because you have a lawful right to be there. So, if you try to car jack me, I can use my handgun, initiating deadly force during the commission of a dangerous felony. You see, I don't need a permit to have a handgun in my vehicle. I need only have it in a closed glove compartment, console or trunk.

With all that information, imagine being at a red light when someone gets out of the vehicle behind you, starts beating on your car and tries getting in. Are you in fear of your life when a total stranger is trying to get in to your car at 4 a.m.? Ab-so-freakin'-lutely! While the occupant of the vehicle could have retreated, he had no duty to. Instead, he stood his ground, used deadly force in self defense, and then retreated to a safe location to call police. The guy he shot didn't make it. Are you feeling sad about that? If you are, you're a freakin' idiot!

 Check out this local TV news story

Now here's another little bit of new information. Pay close enforcement officials are not releasing the name of the shooter for fear of retaliation. And surprise, (gasp!) the dead guy had an extensive criminal history, mostly for drugs.

The latest story.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

TSA - Those Same Assholes

Everyone who reads this blog already knows that I am not a real big fan of the TSA. In fact, I loathe them and everything they stand for. A non-regulated branch of our government who has too much power and like a bunch of bungling, bumbling keystone cops, just can't seem to protect anyone.  A bunch of power hungry idiots with badges who can't get a grasp on the meaning of the words, "diplomacy" and "The Constitution."

They keep coming up with these so-called safe and less intrusive methods of screening the flying public. Unfortunately, they conveniently left out the part about the health risks involved in their super-secret x-ray machine. Flying has become ridiculously expense and an inconvenience. The Supreme Court sided with the TSA, citing that the security of the flying public was detrimental to our nation and that it did not violate a person's Constitutional right to be free from an unlawful search and seizure.

I, however, will continue to exercise my 1st Amendment right to express my displeasure with them, both verbally and in writing.

Case in point -- here's a wee chuckle and the unpleasant things one encounters on an average trip to the airport.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time to Take a Stance

Things being what they are; personal finances, budget cuts, the high cost of everything, people are forced to work secondary jobs or work over time as much as they can. Over time is not a steady paycheck and cannot always be counted on to supplement the income. Don't get me wrong, I take it whenever my schedule allows it as it pays more than my part time job. I took a part time job because it's a steady paycheck.
While it doesn't pay a great deal of money and doesn't provide benefits, it has some bonuses and perks.
Plus, I get to play with my favorite toys all day. Yep, I get to handle GUNS!

I handle and show guns to potential buyers. I rent guns to people who want to learn to shoot. I get to shoot guns and make purchases at an employee discounted rate. I teach people about gun safety and even teach some to clean and operate their new purchase.

I meet a lot of interesting people every day. I consider myself a people person. Although, the average thug on the street doesn't like to show his face in this gun shop. I suppose because everyone working there is wearing a gun and it's full of what they think are "rednecks." Not only that, the law requires instant criminal history checks and well, most that try to purchase a gun get denied. (Imagine that) Then they try their bullshit story telling and it doesn't work. According to everyone that works there, and my own personal observations, when seen, the droopy drawers crowd tends to play it cool. Although, if they dressed like normal people with their pants up, they would not attract as much attention to themselves.

Don't get me wrong, this gun shop caters to everyone, including women, and boasts the largest indoor range within a 100 mile radius. It's just that with so many law enforcement officers in there or even working in there, it more than likely deters their presence.

The 2nd amendment is a powerful Constitutional right that all law abiding citizens should be able to exercise. Some of our more liberal, blue state law enforcement officers may believe that allowing the ordinary citizen to possess or even carry a concealed firearm is an accident looking for a place to happen. Some fear that there will be a wave of mass shootings of innocent people. Well, there is right now!

I like living in a red state. We have a rock solid Castle Doctrine law that protects the victim/homeowner. Robberies, Carjacking, Burglary, Kidnapping, Sex Assaults, are all violent crimes in this state and licensed CWP holders, can use deadly force in the prevention or commission of such crimes. CWP holders can also come to the aid of any relative, friend or bystander who would likewise have the right to use deadly force and do so on their behalf. It's called the "Alter Ego" rule. Keep in mind, you don't need a CWP to own or possess a firearm in this state, you need a CWP to carry a concealed firearm on or about your person.

So, my own personal interactions with law enforcement in this state is that most all believe in the concealed carry law. They take pleasure in the fact that innocent victims can legally take a stand against the average maggot on the street without fear of the criminal justice system screwing them because they simply acted in self defense or defense of others.  Cops also like clearing cases as "Justified."

Does it cause people with guns to act like it's the wild west? NO! On the contrary, it has the opposite effect. Look at cities such as Chicago and Washington, DC. Both take the honor of being in the top 10 of  America's most lawless cities with crime rates through the roof. Why? Because they actually tried to ban guns....even going so far as to ban them in a person's home. A person should be able to feel safe in their own home and should be allowed to defend their castle against intruders or attackers. How dare the government intrude in to my home.
On another note, terrorists and scumbags will allows manage to get their hands on guns or other weapons in some way. Meanwhile, the average citizen is left naked and defenseless against the armed criminal element. Who wins? It is impossible to get all the guns off the street.

Ah, but I digress.....

Working in the gun shop and being a CWP instructor, there has been a recent surge in gun sales and people attending the CWP training courses. What could cause that, you ask? Tax refund time? The current political climate? The current economic crisis with undertones of violence? Fear of losing our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? The increase of gun violence? Who knows.

In recent weeks, a good majority of my attendees have been the over 50 crowd. Let's face it, the elderly are the biggest targets. Now, they want to fight back and I don't blame them one bit.

It's time to take a stance. Take the safety courses. Get your permit. Follow the gun safety rules. Don't be a victim.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Amount of Stupidity

Have you ever wondered what kind of bullshit cops put up with every day?
The amount of stupidity some people possess is astounding. Sometimes cops are parents, counselors, babysitters, dog catchers, dumpster divers, etc. But first, they have to get past the dispatcher. You really have to feel for them. Their job is not easy. Dispatchers have to filter through a lot of the shit and determine what they can do about it and how.

If people call 911, which morons do with some regularity, it's a recorded line and they have to act upon it accordingly. Delicacy and diplomacy are in order. Who wants their attitude or conversation released to the news media for all the world to hear? It's bad enough that cops are also under the same scrutiny every single moment.

You can often tell by the wording or the tone of the dispatcher, how they just don't like putting out some of these calls for service. With the advent of technology, some calls for service can be handled over the phone. Certain messages can be sent by text "unofficially" thereby saving manpower, unnecessary fuel costs and recorded gaffes. People come to expect that there is always a police officer at the station house. Again, with manpower and equipment budget cuts, that's not always feasible. Every available cop needs to be on the street. Supervisors are now handling calls. It also depends on how big your city, town or county is.

Quite often, there is a civilian person or dispatcher behind security doors and a bullet proof window handling walk in issues. Once again, they tip toe through the bullshit. The average citizen will walk in expecting to speak with a police officer on demand and are often uncooperative when it comes to giving the person behind the window any information. People should remember that these folks have to determine if it warrants calling a police officer in off the street, if it can be handled by phone (always recorded) or if the civilian behind the glass can actually answer the question for them. The economy sucks so concessions have to be made.

I often don't get the pleasure (sarcasm) of observing the day-to-day duties of our communications personnel.
In fact, I sometimes can't leave that room fast enough.

With this story, I'll just throw in any kind of stupid I can remember from the last week.

*An obviously elderly woman calls 911 telling the dispatcher to send an officer over immediately. When pressed for info, she explains that she accidentally dropped her keys inside of her local government issued trash bin while wheeling it to the curb and she's too short to reach it. When told that we cannot do that, she throws the old, "I know the Mayor" crap out there. We still won't go.

*An actual 911 call from an obviously drunk woman complaining that her husband wants sex, she doesn't and he won't leave her alone. They're both polluted and it's really difficult to keep a straight face just have a seriously strong desire to slap some sense in to them.

*A man calls 911 late at night complaining of a dog roaming the neighborhood. Sorry, it doesn't warrant a call out for animal control. He gets pissy and wants the number. Dispatchers give it to him knowing full well he'll only get a recording and have to leave a message.

*911 call because there's a suspicious car driving through a neighborhood at 5 in the morning throwing things at people's houses. It's the news paper carrier. Yea, they still do that.

*There's always those regular calls that when you hear the name or address, you just roll your eyes and ask, "Now what." Like the one woman who just cannot seem to keep her kid in line so wastes precious police manpower calling the cops every time her little brat mouths off. (Which seems to be every day and at least twice a day) Then there's your standard, every day, nut cases who like to call 911 and hang up, forcing dispatchers to send a cop over there immediately. They deny using the phone, blame the kids or the dog, or tell us the aliens are secretly tapping their phone lines and that's why the phone rings all by itself.

*A man walks in to the station, claims he lives in Wisconsin wants to get a copy of a 911 tape for his divorce and child custody hearing. He is informed that 911 recordings can only be obtained during normal business hours and that there is paperwork involved. He becomes irate, demanding it be released now. And then....he gets even more irate and refuses to believe that 911 doesn't have some central repository for EVERY 911 call made in the country. He accuses the civilian person of lying when told he must contact the police dept. in Wisconsin for the specific tape recording. This warrants a supervisor being called in because he refuses to stop acting like a loud and stupid moron in the lobby. It must be something in the cheese.

*Directing traffic around an accident scene and trying desperately to keep traffic moving, hoping you won't get run over or that no other accidents will occur because of rubber necking. There's always those idiots that want to hold up the line of traffic to stop and ask for directions or ask what happened. Seriously?

*A woman calls 911 because she can't find a babysitter and she needs to go get a pack of smokes. Could we send an officer to sit with her kids for 10 minutes? Really?

*I've listened to more than my share of conversations and recordings of people who dial 911 and the first thing out of their mouth is, "this isn't an emergency, but..."  Then there was the lady who called 911 who asked what the non-emergency number was only to turn around and immediately call back on the non-emergency line. Yes, some departments can afford caller ID.

*A woman calls demanding immediate response to an apartment complex because someone parked in HER handicapped spot and he doesn't have a handicap sticker or plate. Then she wants to know how long it will take. She calls a supervisor because after the officer responded and told her he couldn't write a ticket, but got the owner to move it, she was totally belligerent and wanted the supervisor to know he wasn't doing his job.
The idea of not being able to write parking tickets on private property just didn't seem to sink in.

*A woman calls 911 (twice) while she's driving and is asking for directions to a location some 100+ miles away. She didn't even know where she was and when it was finally narrowed down, she was told to stay on a specific highway, but it was recommended she stop and buy a map. The dispatcher politely advised her that most people plan their road trips out ahead of time and that 911 wasn't meant to guide people to their destination. The stupid woman later made a complaint about what the dispatcher said to her. I personally listened to the tape and didn't believe that a reprimand was in order for the dispatcher. Friggin bureaucrats! 

Too much stupid all in one week sometimes makes me want to bang my head against the wall and drink too much.
Retirement or a career change is looking very enticing.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Magic of 911

I know, I've had a recent dry spell and just haven't had the inspiration to put pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard, as it were.

Lately, I have been in a reading mood more than I have been in a writing mood. Today I was perusing my favorite cop blogs and came across an entry from "Officer Smith; Thoughts from behind the Badge." 

"Officer Smith" explained in great detail the reality of the 911 system.

In plain English, it's not some magic number you can call and expect an instantaneous response. The police have no duty to protect you 24/7 and it is unreasonable to expect that the police will be there immediately after you call 911, most especially when you call from a cell phone. Cell phone signals bounce off towers and the call doesn't always route you to the appropriate jurisdiction. Entering map coordinates is a time consuming endeavor when it would have been much quicker to tell the call taker the address of  your emergency, along with several landmarks, mile markers, or the name of the subdivision. GPS coordinates do NOT pinpoint your EXACT location. It only helps first responders get close.

Additionally, screaming at the call takers slows the process down. They need information and they need it fast. Once the call taker gets the type of emergency, location, and a couple of other basic questions, another dispatcher is reading that info and starting the necessary response.
If you think that it takes only minutes for a response time, you are living in a fantasy world, my friends.
There are many mitigating factors that effect the response time. Don't even ask, "how long will it be?" How is the dispatcher supposed to know that?

One final note; if you've read my blog with regularity, you know that I am a firm believer in our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. The criminal element preys on the weakest and easiest targets. Don't make yourself an easy target. Learn your state's gun laws and the laws of self defense. Arm yourself with a gun, pepper spray, taser, even a baseball bat and then learn how to use it.

Read Officer Smith's thoughts on this subject;

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My absence

No worries. Will be back soon.
Sometimes life's stuff gets in the way.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sheriff Slaps a Perp



One of South Carolina's most respected law enforcement officers, J. Al Cannon, Esq., of Charleston County, SC called an emergency press conference today to announce he slapped a driver who lead Deputies on a 20 plus mile chase in speeds averaging 100 mph.

Sheriff Cannon initiated the chase because one Timothy McManus was driving so recklessly as to have almost caused an accident with him.

According to radio transmissions, McManus was driving over sidewalks and medians, very nearly causing several other accidents, all in an effort to flee from police.
During the pursuit, the asshole avoided stop sticks on 2 occasions and he was also fired upon by police at 2 different locations. He was finally cornered at a dead end street when he put the truck in to a ditch because the tires were no longer useful.

Officers at the crash scene had him at gunpoint ordering him to surrender. He reached back in to the truck (this does not bode well with police) as if to grab something from under the seat. The K-9 was released and latched on to his arm. Within seconds, the dog was called back and officers pounced upon him to restrain him. He did not go quietly. In fact, he continued to resist and the necessary physical methods were employed to get him to comply with orders.

During his press conference, Sheriff Cannon freely admits that he slapped McManus with an open hand and said, "What the (unknown expletive) is wrong with you? You could have killed a lot of people." He admitted that he slapped the moron while he was handcuffed and in the back of the patrol car.
(He's lucky that's all he got.)

In his news conference he stated, "In retrospect, it was clearly the wrong thing to do and I certainly wouldn't have expected it from my own folks."

Not one single officer was injured in the pursuit and McManus was treated and stitched up for a dog bite. He's lucky he's still walking. Oh yea, maybe 2 cruisers got a little dented, but they were driveable.

McManus was charged with numerous offenses ranging from Driving Under Suspension to Resisting Arrest. His bond was set at over $100,000.

At his bond hearing, his wife/girlfriend or whatever, stated he wasn't a bad person and that he has 3 kids and needs to drive to work. Magistrate Linda Lombard said he didn't need to be doing what he was doing. He doesn't even have a driver's license and has a lengthy history of traffic offenses. The wife also accused the police of letting the K-9 "chomp on his arm." (Like she was there and saw it all.)
County corrections officers report that McManus is already a "disciplinary problem." Oh yea, "he's really not a bad person" with all those kind of actions.

You have to admire the Sheriff for first providing a truthful statement to state investigators, then calling a press conference to publicly announce his slight indiscretion.
This scumbag probably needed more than just a slap and I'm betting he slaps his girlfriend and kids around.

I have not lost one iota of respect for this man. I learned a long time ago, that if you screw up on the job, either take responsibility for it to your immediate supervisor, or get a lawyer and keep your mouth shut.

Sheriff Al Cannon is also an attorney.